In Brief

This project exists because I really liked the display & wanted to make something with it. A clock was the easiest way to get started and after developing some basic demo software, the idea stuck.

Of course being a project for fun, it’s entirely overdone for a clock. Users can set alarms, timers, a stopwatch, view a world clock, see readings from onboard sensors, adjust a large variety of settings, and more!

There have been many iterations to get to the version you see here; I consider this hardware version 3.1.

Hardware Overview

Computer: Arduino Mega 2560 Rev 3

User Interface (i/o):

Case & Power:

Sensors: (optional)

  • DHT22 (temperature & humidity)

    • This is deprecated (I’m no longer using it in my builds, however the software still supports using it)

  • BME280 (temperature, humidity, & pressure)

    • This makes the DHT22 redundant

  • CCS811 (co2 & tvoc)

    • This is getting harder to find, you’ll notice my above link is for a discontinued product. I will be finding a replacement in the future

  • LSM303 (compass)

    • The variant I have been using (linked above, it’s the DLHC) is now discontinued; any LSM303 family member chip should work fine (I’ll be looking for a replacement in the future)

  • VEML6070 (uv index)

    • This is deprecated (I’m no longer using it in my builds as I don’t feel this sensor is accurate at all, however the software still supports using it)

  • VEML7700 (ambient lux)

Supporting Components:

  • DS3231 (real time clock)

    • Note that my i/o board actually uses the chronodot, but I’m moving away from this for the smaller version I linked above

Software Overview